Since September 1999, I have started to conduct the worship service and bible classes along with two old members. At first we started the worship services with the small and we gathered in a verandah of one of the members house. In the month of January 2000, another four persons have been baptized into Christ and into His body.
Now the membership was grown to 65. After that, the Church members purchased a lot or land and constructed a nice Church building to get together. They spent nearly about 2, 00,000 rupees ($4651). One of the American brother sanctioned $2500 for the construction. The church bears the rest of the amount. The Church collected the contributions and donations $1685 from the villagers and from the sister congregations and rest of the amount $466 the Church took loan to complete the skeleton work. Still it has to be done a lot of work i.e. plastering the walls, fixing the window doors; flooring, painting and we should have to construct the fencing wall. The Church members are waiting and requesting your help to complete the rest of the work. I beseech you kindly raise funds for the constructionof compund wall and the rest of the finishing works.